Tuples in Rune are fixed-size sequences of values. Similarly to a vector, tuples can contain any sequence of values. But there's no way to change the size of a tuple.
pub fn main() {
let values = ("Now", "You", "See", "Me");
values.2 = "Don't";
values.3 = "!";
$> cargo run --bin rune -- run scripts/book/tuples/tuple_masquerade.rn
("Now", "You", "See", "Me")
("Now", "You", "Don\'t", "!")
== () (38.3136ms)
The following is a simple example of a function returning a tuple:
fn foo() {
(1, "test")
pub fn main() {
$> cargo run --bin rune -- run scripts/book/tuples/basic_tuples.rn
(1, "test")
== () (387.6µs)
Tuples can also be pattern matched:
pub fn main() {
match ("test", 1) {
("test", n) => {
dbg("the first part was a number:", n);
_ => {
dbg("matched something we did not understand");
$> cargo run --bin rune -- run scripts/book/tuples/tuple_patterns.rn
"the first part was a number:"
== () (7.7892ms)